The father of a Jordanian fighter pilot called on the government
Wednesday to avenge his son's murder by the Islamic State and for the
U.S.-led coalition to "eradicate this criminal organization."
plea came after Jordan executed al-Qaeda-linked Iraqi prisoners Sajida
al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli before dawn Wednesday, hours after the
extremists released a gruesome video that purportedly showed pilot Lt.
Muath al-Kaseasbeh, 26, being burned alive in a cage.
"I ask that
this should not end with Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad Karbouli," Safi
al-Kaseasbeh, the pilot's father, said in an interview with Al Arabiya
News Channel. "I expect the government to seek revenge, severe revenge
for the blood of (Muath) against this horrid organization, this criminal
organization, this organization that is far from Islam and the spirit
of Islam,"
"The pain is deep," he told the broadcaster. "My son
isn't just the son of Safi al-Kaseasbeh; he is the son of every
Jordanian. Grief is now in the hearts of every Jordanian mother and
every Jordanian father."
The developments came on the heels of a
week-long drama over a possible prisoner exchange, where Jordan had
agreed to free al-Rishawi to win the release of al-Kaseasbeh but first
wanted proof the pilot was alive. Al-Rishawi had been on death row for
her role in the bombing of three hotels in the Jordanian capital Amman
in 2005 that killed dozens. Jordanian TV reported al-Kaseasbeh's killing
took place Jan. 3, raising questions about the negotiations for the
pilot's freedom.
Outrage took hold across the Middle East on
Wednesday, as political and religious leaders denounced the killing and
called for blood.
Ahmed al-Tayeb, the head of Egypt's
Al-Azhar Mosque, Sunni Islam's most respected seat of learning, said the
militants deserved the Quran-prescribed punishment of death,
crucifixion or the chopping off of their arms.
"Islam prohibits the taking of an innocent life," Al-Tayeb said in a statement. By burning the pilot to death, the militants violated Islam's prohibition on the mutilation of bodies, even at wartime, he added.
Madani, the leader of the 57-nation, Saudi-based Organization of
Islamic Cooperation — the world's largest bloc of Muslim countries —
condemned the killing, saying it "utterly disregards the rights of
prisoners Islam has decreed, as well as the human moral standards for
war and treatment of prisoners."
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al
Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates' foreign minister, reaffirmed his
nation's commitment to fighting terrorism and extremism.
heinous and obscene act represents a brutal escalation by the terrorist
group, whose evil objectives have become apparent," he said. The killing
was also condemned by Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar.
Jordanians on Wednesday were shocked over the brutality of the killing.
is no religion that accepts such acts," Amman resident Hassan Abu Ali
said. "Islam is a religion of tolerance. (Islamic State militants) have
nothing to do with Islam. This is criminal act."
Al-Kaseasbeh was
captured by the Islamic State in December after his aircraft crashed
over Syria. He is the first, and so far only, foreign military pilot to
be captured since a U.S.-led coalition began airstrikes on the militants
last year.
The video marks the first time a high-profile hostage
of the Islamic State has been killed by fire, according to IntelCenter,
which monitors extremist websites. In the past, hostages have been
beheaded or shot.
Even some clerics sympathetic to the jihadist
causes objected to burning the captive alive and filming it, largely
because it presented an image problem for the extremist group.
weakens the popularity of Islamic State because we look at Islam as a
religion of mercy and tolerance. Even in the heat of battle, a prisoner
of war is given good treatment," Abu Sayaf, a Jordanian Salafist cleric
also known as Mohamed al-Shalabi, told Reuters. Sayaf spent almost a
decade in Jordanian prisons for terrorist-related acts, including
plotting to attack U.S. troops.
"Even if the Islamic State says
(al-Kasaesbeh) had bombed, and burnt and killed us and we punished him
in the way he did to us, we say, OK but why film the video in this
shocking way?" he said. "This method has turned society against them."
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