
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unskippable Geico YouTube Ad Is The Work Of An Evil Genius

At this point in the internet’s life, nobody watches YouTube ads. And, if for some reason, we are forced to watch a 20-second ad, we simply open up another tab and wait for it to end.
It’s a strategy that works wonders for the average consumer who doesn’t want to be bothered by commercials, but it’s a big problem for advertisers who desperately want as many people as possible to learn about their product. Which is why whoever came up with this latest batch of Geico ads is an evil genius.
The ads last only for a few seconds and are straight to the point. Geico can save you money on car insurance. The disembodied voice even points out that you can’t skip the ad because it’s already over.

But that isn’t even the evil part. The true genius of the commercial is that it is so darn clever that people are now willingly seeking out the ad on YouTube. So not only has Geico crafted an unskippable ad that will be seen by millions, but millions more will come to watch the ad of their own free will.

The ads come in two varieties so far. The first is a family at the dinner table. After a woman remarks about savings, the Geico name appears and tells viewers they could save money on car insurance. Then it ends. You can, however, watch an extended version of the ad where the family is frozen in time. Then their dog eats all their food.
The second ad has two men saying “savings” and giving each other a high-five before the familiar Geico voice chimes in.

It’s all completely silly, yet strangely effective. It’s right in line with Geico’s long history of creative, funny and downright strange advertising methods, but if nothing else they’ve proven that their advertising team is second to none.
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